



Error #1455


Poblemes amb el cron

Afegit per Joan Cervan i Andreu fa aproximadament 1 any. Actualitzat fa aproximadament 1 any.

En Progrés
Versió prevista:
03 Feb 2023
Data de venciment:
02 Mai 2023 (aproximadament 12 mesos tard)
% realitzat:


Temps previst:
Temps invertit:


Surten moltíssimes entrades al log, del cron.

I he vist que el cron del search triga molt:

joan@marti:/var/www/$ vendor/bin/drush php-eval 'use Drupal\Component\Utility\Timer;global $timers; $return = $args = array(); foreach (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->getImplementations("cron") as $module) { $function = $module . "_cron"; print("Starting execution of " . $module . " cron ... ");   Timer::start($function);$result = call_user_func_array($function, $args);if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {$return = array_merge_recursive($return, $result);}  else if (isset($result)) {$return[] = $result;} Timer::stop($function); print("Execution of " . $module . " cron took " . Timer::read($function) . "ms\r\n"); }'
Starting execution of comment cron ... Execution of comment cron took 4.54ms
Starting execution of dblog cron ... Execution of dblog cron took 2.3ms
Starting execution of field cron ... Execution of field cron took 1.17ms
Starting execution of file cron ... Execution of file cron took 27.48ms
Starting execution of history cron ... Execution of history cron took 0.69ms
Starting execution of layout_builder cron ... Execution of layout_builder cron took 6.03ms
Starting execution of linkchecker cron ... Execution of linkchecker cron took 31.14ms
Starting execution of locale cron ... Execution of locale cron took 5.37ms
Starting execution of matomo cron ... Execution of matomo cron took 1.04ms
Starting execution of node cron ... Execution of node cron took 4.83ms
Starting execution of redirect_404 cron ... Execution of redirect_404 cron took 5.89ms
Starting execution of search cron ... Execution of search cron took 16951.21ms
Starting execution of search_api cron ... Execution of search_api cron took 12.17ms
Starting execution of simple_sitemap cron ... Execution of simple_sitemap cron took 3.1ms
Starting execution of simple_sitemap_engines cron ... Execution of simple_sitemap_engines cron took 5.98ms
Starting execution of simple_sitemap_views cron ... Execution of simple_sitemap_views cron took 3.58ms
Starting execution of system cron ... Execution of system cron took 34ms
Starting execution of tracker cron ... Execution of tracker cron took 0.31ms
Starting execution of update cron ... Execution of update cron took 28ms
Starting execution of webform cron ... Execution of webform cron took 2.72ms

Actions #1

Actualitzat per Joan Cervan i Andreu fa aproximadament 1 any

  • Estat ha canviat de Nou a En Progrés
  • % realitzat ha canviat de 0 a 10

A més segons la pàgina del cron diu que fa més d'una hora que no l'ha fet.

Podria ser que hi hagués algun error a la pàgina que diu que el cron està efectivament fet (no sé si és diu semaphore) i ho provi una i una altra vegada

Actions #4

Actualitzat per Joan Cervan i Andreu fa aproximadament 1 any

Sembla que no funciona

Actions #5

Actualitzat per Joan Cervan i Andreu fa aproximadament 1 any

  • % realitzat ha canviat de 30 a 40

He fet un cron des de drush, amb l'opció verboise i debug activades. Triga 90 segons, i sobretot triga el search_api i després el procés de baixar traduccions:

joan@marti:/var/www/$ vendor/bin/drush --verbose --debug cron
 [preflight] Config paths: /var/www/clients/client2/web25/web/vendor/drush/drush/drush.yml,/var/www/clients/client2/web25/web/drush/drush.yml
 [preflight] Alias paths: /var/www/clients/client2/web25/web/web/drush/sites,/var/www/clients/client2/web25/web/drush/sites
 [preflight] Commandfile search paths: /var/www/clients/client2/web25/web/vendor/drush/drush/src,/var/www/clients/client2/web25/web/drush
 [debug] Bootstrap further to find cron [0.34 sec, 9.87 MB]
 [debug] Trying to bootstrap as far as we can [0.34 sec, 9.87 MB]
 [debug] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalRoot() [0.34 sec, 9.87 MB]
 [debug] Change working directory to /var/www/clients/client2/web25/web/web [0.34 sec, 9.87 MB]
 [debug] Initialized Drupal 9.5.3 root directory at /var/www/clients/client2/web25/web/web [0.34 sec, 9.87 MB]
 [debug] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalSite() [0.34 sec, 9.88 MB]
 [debug] Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [0.34 sec, 10.05 MB]
 [debug] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalConfiguration() [0.34 sec, 10.05 MB]
 [debug] Add service modifier [0.35 sec, 10.32 MB]
 [debug] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalDatabase() [0.35 sec, 10.9 MB]
 [debug] Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [0.35 sec, 10.9 MB]
 [debug] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalFull() [0.35 sec, 10.9 MB]
 [debug] Start bootstrap of the Drupal Kernel. [0.36 sec, 10.9 MB]
 [debug] colorbox commands loaded even though its constraint (^9) is incompatible with Drush 10.5.0. Broaden the constraint in modules/contrib/colorbox/composer.json (see 'extra\drush\services' section) to remove this message. [0.45 sec, 13.77 MB]
 [debug] linkchecker commands loaded even though its constraint (^9) is incompatible with Drush 10.5.0. Broaden the constraint in modules/contrib/linkchecker/composer.json (see 'extra\drush\services' section) to remove this message. [0.45 sec, 13.77 MB]
 [debug] Found for search_api Drush commands [0.46 sec, 13.77 MB]
 [debug] Found for simple_sitemap Drush commands [0.46 sec, 13.77 MB]
 [debug] Found for token Drush commands [0.46 sec, 13.77 MB]
 [debug] Found for webform Drush commands [0.46 sec, 13.77 MB]
 [debug] Found for pathauto Drush commands [0.46 sec, 13.77 MB]
 [debug] Get container builder [0.46 sec, 13.78 MB]
 [debug] Service modifier alter. [0.47 sec, 13.88 MB]
 [debug] process console.command [0.73 sec, 19.02 MB]
 [debug] process drush.command [0.73 sec, 19.02 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service config.commands [0.73 sec, 19.02 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service config.export.commands [0.73 sec, 19.02 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service config.import.commands [0.73 sec, 19.02 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service batch.commands [0.73 sec, 19.02 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service cli.commands [0.73 sec, 19.02 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service drupal.commands [0.73 sec, 19.02 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service deploy_hook.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service entity.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service image.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service jsonapi.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service language.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service locale.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service messenger.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service migrate_runner.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service queue.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service role.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service state.commands [0.74 sec, 19.03 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service twig.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service user.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service views.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service watchdog.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service pm.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service theme.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service sanitize.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service sanitize.comments.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service sanitize.sessions.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service sanitize.userfields.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service sanitize.usertable.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service colorbox.commands [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service linkchecker.command [0.74 sec, 19.04 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service search_api.commands [0.74 sec, 19.05 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service simple_sitemap.commands [0.74 sec, 19.05 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service token.commands [0.74 sec, 19.05 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service webform.commands [0.74 sec, 19.05 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service webform.sanitize.submissions.commands [0.74 sec, 19.05 MB]
 [debug] Found tagged service pathauto.commands [0.74 sec, 19.05 MB]
 [debug] process drush.command_info_alterer [0.74 sec, 19.05 MB]
 [debug] process drush.generator [0.74 sec, 19.05 MB]
 [debug] Finished bootstrap of the Drupal Kernel. [1.19 sec, 31.82 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\config\ConfigCommands [1.32 sec, 39.88 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\config\ConfigExportCommands [1.33 sec, 39.91 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\config\ConfigImportCommands [1.33 sec, 39.92 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\BatchCommands [1.33 sec, 39.93 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\CliCommands [1.33 sec, 39.93 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\DrupalCommands [1.34 sec, 39.94 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\DeployHookCommands [1.34 sec, 39.95 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\EntityCommands [1.34 sec, 39.96 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\ImageCommands [1.34 sec, 39.97 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\JsonapiCommands [1.34 sec, 39.98 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\LanguageCommands [1.34 sec, 39.98 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\LocaleCommands [1.34 sec, 39.99 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\MessengerCommands [1.34 sec, 40.01 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\MigrateRunnerCommands [1.35 sec, 40.01 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\QueueCommands [1.35 sec, 40.06 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\RoleCommands [1.35 sec, 40.07 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\StateCommands [1.35 sec, 40.1 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\TwigCommands [1.35 sec, 40.11 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\UserCommands [1.35 sec, 40.12 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\ViewsCommands [1.36 sec, 40.16 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\WatchdogCommands [1.36 sec, 40.19 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\pm\PmCommands [1.36 sec, 40.21 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\pm\ThemeCommands [1.36 sec, 40.23 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeCommands [1.36 sec, 40.23 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeCommentsCommands [1.36 sec, 40.24 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeSessionsCommands [1.36 sec, 40.24 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeUserFieldsCommands [1.37 sec, 40.24 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeUserTableCommands [1.37 sec, 40.25 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\colorbox\Commands\ColorboxCommands [1.37 sec, 40.25 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\linkchecker\Commands\LinkCheckerCommands [1.37 sec, 40.26 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\search_api\Commands\SearchApiCommands [1.37 sec, 40.26 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\simple_sitemap\Commands\SimplesitemapCommands [1.37 sec, 40.35 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\token\Commands\TokenCommands [1.37 sec, 40.35 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\webform\Commands\WebformCommands [1.37 sec, 40.36 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\webform\Commands\WebformSanitizeSubmissionsCommands [1.38 sec, 40.42 MB]
 [debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\pathauto\Commands\PathautoCommands [1.38 sec, 40.42 MB]
 [debug] Done with bootstrap max in Application::bootstrapAndFind(): trying to find cron again. [1.38 sec, 40.44 MB]
 [debug] Starting bootstrap to none [1.39 sec, 40.48 MB]
 [debug] Drush bootstrap phase 0 [1.39 sec, 40.48 MB]
 [debug] Try to validate bootstrap phase 0 [1.39 sec, 40.48 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of comment_cron(). [1.42 sec, 41.1 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of dblog_cron(), execution of comment_cron() took 6.23ms. [1.43 sec, 41.19 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of field_cron(), execution of dblog_cron() took 26.09ms. [1.46 sec, 41.2 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of file_cron(), execution of field_cron() took 4.1ms. [1.46 sec, 41.22 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of history_cron(), execution of file_cron() took 39.98ms. [1.5 sec, 43.82 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of layout_builder_cron(), execution of history_cron() took 1.38ms. [1.51 sec, 43.82 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of linkchecker_cron(), execution of layout_builder_cron() took 8.59ms. [1.52 sec, 44.23 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of locale_cron(), execution of linkchecker_cron() took 46.34ms. [1.56 sec, 46.19 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of matomo_cron(), execution of locale_cron() took 7.26ms. [1.57 sec, 46.36 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of node_cron(), execution of matomo_cron() took 1.13ms. [1.57 sec, 46.37 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of redirect_404_cron(), execution of node_cron() took 4.61ms. [1.58 sec, 46.39 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of search_cron(), execution of redirect_404_cron() took 2.72ms. [1.58 sec, 46.41 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of search_api_cron(), execution of search_cron() took 20285.41ms. [21.87 sec, 90.24 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of simple_sitemap_cron(), execution of search_api_cron() took 24.86ms. [21.9 sec, 90.57 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of simple_sitemap_engines_cron(), execution of simple_sitemap_cron() took 2.98ms. [21.9 sec, 90.58 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of simple_sitemap_views_cron(), execution of simple_sitemap_engines_cron() took 4.58ms. [21.9 sec, 90.59 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of system_cron(), execution of simple_sitemap_views_cron() took 5.54ms. [21.91 sec, 90.71 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of tracker_cron(), execution of system_cron() took 94.12ms. [22.01 sec, 90.89 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of update_cron(), execution of tracker_cron() took 0.32ms. [22.01 sec, 90.89 MB]
 [info] Starting execution of webform_cron(), execution of update_cron() took 49.9ms. [22.06 sec, 91.43 MB]
 [info] Execution of webform_cron() took 4.6ms. [22.06 sec, 91.53 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [22.08 sec, 91.73 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [22.41 sec, 102.81 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [22.51 sec, 103.15 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [22.61 sec, 103.53 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [22.72 sec, 102.8 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [22.87 sec, 103.18 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.02 sec, 103.56 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.16 sec, 103.94 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.24 sec, 104.32 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.35 sec, 104.7 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.42 sec, 105.08 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.49 sec, 105.46 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.57 sec, 105.84 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.69 sec, 106.22 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.83 sec, 106.6 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [23.95 sec, 102.81 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.05 sec, 103.19 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.18 sec, 103.57 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.29 sec, 103.95 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.42 sec, 104.33 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.57 sec, 104.71 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.65 sec, 105.09 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.75 sec, 105.47 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.85 sec, 105.85 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [24.94 sec, 106.23 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [25.07 sec, 106.61 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [25.19 sec, 106.99 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [25.37 sec, 102.95 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [25.53 sec, 103.33 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [25.64 sec, 103.71 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [25.74 sec, 104.09 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [25.87 sec, 104.47 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [25.98 sec, 104.85 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [26.14 sec, 105.23 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [26.22 sec, 105.61 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [26.32 sec, 105.99 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [26.44 sec, 106.37 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [26.54 sec, 106.75 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [26.66 sec, 103 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [26.76 sec, 103.38 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [26.89 sec, 103.76 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [27.03 sec, 104.14 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [27.17 sec, 104.52 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [27.32 sec, 104.9 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [27.48 sec, 105.28 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [27.63 sec, 105.66 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [27.77 sec, 106.04 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [27.91 sec, 106.42 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.03 sec, 106.8 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.11 sec, 107.18 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.27 sec, 103.17 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.42 sec, 103.55 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.55 sec, 103.93 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.61 sec, 104.31 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.68 sec, 104.69 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.76 sec, 105.07 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.82 sec, 105.45 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [28.9 sec, 105.83 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.01 sec, 106.21 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.09 sec, 106.59 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.18 sec, 106.97 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.33 sec, 103.17 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.39 sec, 103.55 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.46 sec, 103.93 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.55 sec, 104.31 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.68 sec, 104.69 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.79 sec, 105.07 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [29.96 sec, 105.45 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [30.07 sec, 105.83 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [30.22 sec, 106.21 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [30.35 sec, 106.59 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [30.5 sec, 106.97 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [30.66 sec, 107.35 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [30.85 sec, 103.38 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.01 sec, 103.76 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.1 sec, 104.14 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.17 sec, 104.52 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.28 sec, 104.9 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.36 sec, 105.28 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.52 sec, 105.66 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.63 sec, 106.04 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.71 sec, 106.42 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.8 sec, 106.8 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [31.9 sec, 107.18 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.02 sec, 103.38 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.11 sec, 103.76 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.2 sec, 104.14 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.34 sec, 104.52 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.44 sec, 104.9 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.57 sec, 105.28 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.65 sec, 105.66 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.74 sec, 106.04 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [32.89 sec, 106.42 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [33.04 sec, 106.8 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [33.17 sec, 107.18 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [33.3 sec, 107.56 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [33.42 sec, 103.6 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [33.51 sec, 103.98 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [33.6 sec, 104.36 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [33.76 sec, 104.74 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [33.92 sec, 105.12 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [34.08 sec, 105.5 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [34.2 sec, 105.88 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [34.36 sec, 106.26 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [34.5 sec, 106.64 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [34.67 sec, 107.02 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [34.78 sec, 107.4 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [34.92 sec, 103.6 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [35.04 sec, 103.98 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [35.19 sec, 104.36 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [35.35 sec, 104.74 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [35.5 sec, 105.12 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [35.65 sec, 105.5 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [35.75 sec, 105.88 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [35.87 sec, 106.26 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.02 sec, 106.64 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.1 sec, 107.02 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.19 sec, 107.4 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.3 sec, 107.78 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.48 sec, 103.81 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.59 sec, 104.19 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.74 sec, 104.57 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.85 sec, 104.95 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [36.96 sec, 105.33 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [37.07 sec, 105.71 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [37.17 sec, 106.09 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [37.3 sec, 106.47 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [37.38 sec, 106.85 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [37.47 sec, 107.23 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [37.61 sec, 107.61 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [37.8 sec, 103.81 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [37.96 sec, 104.19 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.03 sec, 104.57 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.13 sec, 104.95 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.25 sec, 105.33 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.36 sec, 105.71 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.44 sec, 106.09 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.53 sec, 106.47 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.62 sec, 106.85 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.78 sec, 107.23 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [38.87 sec, 107.61 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39 sec, 107.99 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39.16 sec, 104.03 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39.25 sec, 104.41 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39.4 sec, 104.79 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39.52 sec, 105.17 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39.6 sec, 105.55 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39.73 sec, 105.93 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39.86 sec, 106.31 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [39.94 sec, 106.69 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.03 sec, 107.07 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.12 sec, 107.45 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.22 sec, 107.83 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.36 sec, 104.07 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.45 sec, 104.45 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.54 sec, 104.83 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.62 sec, 105.21 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.7 sec, 105.59 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.77 sec, 105.97 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.84 sec, 106.35 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [40.91 sec, 106.73 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.01 sec, 107.11 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.13 sec, 107.49 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.26 sec, 107.87 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.41 sec, 108.25 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.54 sec, 104.29 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.64 sec, 104.67 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.73 sec, 105.05 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.82 sec, 105.43 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.89 sec, 105.81 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [41.98 sec, 106.19 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.06 sec, 106.57 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.16 sec, 106.95 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.24 sec, 107.33 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.31 sec, 107.71 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.39 sec, 108.09 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.51 sec, 104.29 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.6 sec, 104.67 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.68 sec, 105.05 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.76 sec, 105.43 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.85 sec, 105.81 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [42.92 sec, 106.18 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [43.01 sec, 106.56 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [43.15 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [43.28 sec, 107.32 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [43.43 sec, 107.7 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [43.59 sec, 108.08 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [43.74 sec, 108.46 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [43.93 sec, 104.5 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [44.07 sec, 104.88 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [44.18 sec, 105.26 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [44.31 sec, 105.64 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [44.46 sec, 106.02 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [44.62 sec, 106.4 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [44.69 sec, 106.78 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [44.83 sec, 107.16 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [44.98 sec, 107.54 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [45.14 sec, 107.92 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [45.28 sec, 108.3 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [45.46 sec, 104.5 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [45.63 sec, 104.88 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [45.73 sec, 105.26 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [45.87 sec, 105.64 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46 sec, 106.02 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.08 sec, 106.4 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.17 sec, 106.78 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.3 sec, 107.16 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.38 sec, 107.54 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.47 sec, 107.92 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.54 sec, 108.3 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.62 sec, 108.68 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.74 sec, 104.72 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [46.89 sec, 105.1 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [47.03 sec, 105.48 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [47.21 sec, 105.86 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [47.39 sec, 106.24 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [47.6 sec, 106.62 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [47.77 sec, 107 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [47.91 sec, 107.38 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [48.09 sec, 107.76 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [48.27 sec, 108.14 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [48.44 sec, 108.52 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [48.76 sec, 104.72 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [48.91 sec, 105.1 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.02 sec, 105.48 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.14 sec, 105.86 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.24 sec, 106.24 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.37 sec, 106.62 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.47 sec, 107 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.61 sec, 107.38 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.72 sec, 107.76 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.79 sec, 108.14 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.89 sec, 108.52 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [49.97 sec, 108.9 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.11 sec, 104.94 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.2 sec, 105.32 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.3 sec, 105.7 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.38 sec, 106.08 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.48 sec, 106.46 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.6 sec, 106.84 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.71 sec, 107.22 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.83 sec, 107.6 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [50.92 sec, 107.98 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [51.05 sec, 108.35 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [51.15 sec, 108.73 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [51.3 sec, 104.93 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [51.41 sec, 105.31 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [51.5 sec, 105.69 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [51.62 sec, 106.07 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [51.72 sec, 106.45 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [51.9 sec, 106.83 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [52.02 sec, 107.21 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [52.16 sec, 107.59 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [52.32 sec, 107.97 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [52.52 sec, 108.35 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [52.7 sec, 108.73 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [52.84 sec, 109.11 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [52.97 sec, 105.15 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.05 sec, 105.53 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.19 sec, 105.91 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.3 sec, 106.29 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.39 sec, 106.67 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.47 sec, 107.05 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.55 sec, 107.43 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.66 sec, 107.81 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.75 sec, 108.19 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.86 sec, 108.57 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [53.97 sec, 108.95 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.09 sec, 105.15 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.22 sec, 105.53 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.31 sec, 105.91 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.4 sec, 106.29 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.5 sec, 106.67 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.6 sec, 107.05 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.68 sec, 107.43 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.78 sec, 107.81 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.88 sec, 108.19 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [54.98 sec, 108.57 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [55.07 sec, 108.95 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [55.17 sec, 109.33 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [55.41 sec, 105.37 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [55.54 sec, 105.75 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [55.66 sec, 106.13 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [55.77 sec, 106.51 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [55.86 sec, 106.89 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [55.97 sec, 107.27 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.04 sec, 107.65 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.13 sec, 108.03 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.22 sec, 108.41 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.3 sec, 108.79 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.38 sec, 109.17 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.49 sec, 105.37 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.56 sec, 105.75 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.64 sec, 106.13 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.72 sec, 106.51 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.82 sec, 106.89 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.9 sec, 107.27 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [56.97 sec, 107.65 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.07 sec, 108.03 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.19 sec, 108.41 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.33 sec, 108.79 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.44 sec, 109.17 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.54 sec, 109.55 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.66 sec, 105.58 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.75 sec, 105.96 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.84 sec, 106.34 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [57.92 sec, 106.72 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.01 sec, 107.1 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.12 sec, 107.48 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.22 sec, 107.86 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.3 sec, 108.24 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.4 sec, 108.62 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.49 sec, 109 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.6 sec, 109.38 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.72 sec, 105.58 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.82 sec, 105.96 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [58.93 sec, 106.34 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59 sec, 106.72 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59.08 sec, 107.1 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59.17 sec, 107.48 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59.26 sec, 107.86 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59.34 sec, 108.24 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59.42 sec, 108.62 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59.5 sec, 109 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59.62 sec, 109.39 MB]
 [info] Object of class Drupal\user\Entity\User could not be converted to int UserSession.php:119 [59.79 sec, 105.97 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [59.99 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [60.05 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [60.09 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [60.14 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [60.18 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [60.39 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [60.6 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [60.99 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [61.19 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [61.38 sec, 106.94 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [68.12 sec, 106.95 MB]
 [notice] Translation file not found: [79.74 sec, 107.19 MB]
 [info] Cron run completed. [89.72 sec, 107.19 MB]

Actions #6

Actualitzat per Joan Cervan i Andreu fa aproximadament 1 any

  • Data de venciment ha canviat de 10 Feb 2023 a 03 Feb 2023
  • Estat ha canviat de En Progrés a Resolt
  • % realitzat ha canviat de 40 a 100

Sembla que el aturar l'execució del cron des de l'UI (configurant-lo perquè no s'executi mai) i fent un cron des de drush amb:

$ vendor/bin/drush --verbose --debug cron

Ha desbloquejat el cron i ara ja tira milles...

El que veig és que passa molta estona mirant de descarregar els fitxers de traduccions (tenim tantes llengües) Potser td'un minut i mig triga un minut amb lo de les llengües

Actions #7

Actualitzat per Joan Cervan i Andreu fa aproximadament 1 any

Si mai torno a tenir problemes de cron, es podria provar també aquest mòdul:

Actions #8

Actualitzat per Joan Cervan i Andreu fa aproximadament 1 any

  • Data de venciment ha canviat de 03 Feb 2023 a 02 Mai 2023
  • Estat ha canviat de Resolt a En Progrés
  • % realitzat ha canviat de 100 a 90

El cron havia tornat a quedar encallat, de feia 3 setmanes. He instal·lat el Ultimate Cron a veure si amb això sol·lucionem el problema. Deixo la tasca oberta per avaluar-ho en unes setmanes.


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